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Power of wisdom
Wisdom lies in not just knowledge but the application of knowledge in a way that brings #clarity, innerpeace, and a sense of purpose. Being wise is not necessarily a factor of age but #attitude.
<h2>Power of Wisdom</h2> <p>Did you know that the concept of wisdom dates back to #ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Egypt? Wisdom was highly valued and considered a gift from the #Gods.</p> <p>Wisdom is indeed a gift because our insights come from deep within by observing and contemplating silently. Our inner voice gives us answers through life's various twists and turns. What helps us navigate the unknown is our unique ability to observe, think, contemplate, and then act. This wisdom or sensibility helps us make sound decisions based on our experience, knowledge and #emotionalintelligence.</p> <p>Wisdom lies in not just knowledge but the application of knowledge in a way that brings #clarity, innerpeace, and a sense of purpose. Being wise is not necessarily a factor of age but #attitude. While age may play a role in the number of years of experience, what matters more is the depth of experience and perspective. Wisdom, like a fine wine, takes time to develop and refine.</p> <p>We all gather facts and information. To be wise or mature, we need to go beyond and balance the heart and the mind, or knowledge and compassion. When we respect ourselves and others, with equal measure, we know when to speak or not, how much to speak or not and also, when to listen or not.</p> <p>Self-awareness is the foundation upon which wisdom is built. When we truly understand our strengths, weaknesses, and values, and embrace our wholeness, we can make wiser decisions and live a more fulfilling life.</p> <p>When I awakened to the inner voice, I would spend hours questioning my thoughts and emotions. As I developed self-awareness, I let go of so many false notions, attachments and identifications. I became more respectful of the interconnectedness and oneness of life. My decision-making became more thoughtful rather than impulsive. Most importantly, living authentically expanded the peace and love within.</p> <p>Wisdom illuminates our path to a more fulfilling, purposeful, and meaningful existence. We can never know it all, in fact, I would not even want to know it all, because that would take away the fun and magic of #learning and #growing. We can cultivate Wisdom by practising:</p> <p>Contemplation</p> <p>Silent observation</p> <p>Seek guidance</p> <p>Practice empathy</p> <p>Seek feedback</p> <p>The Benefits of Wisdom</p> <p>: Clarity of Purpose</p> <p>Better Decision Making</p> <p>Emotional Resilience</p> <p>Effective Communication</p> <p>Peace and Contentment</p> <p>"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." &ndash; Aristotle</p> <p>Wisdom is indeed a gift because our insights come from deep within by observing and contemplating silently. Our inner voice gives us answers through life's various twists and turns. What helps us navigate the unknown is our unique ability to observe, think, contemplate, and then act. #Ashukhanna #Iam #Happiness #Playbooktohappiness #linkedinnewsletter #wisdom #wisdomwednesday</p>
Ashu Khanna
#Ashukhanna, #Iam, #Happiness, #Newsletter, #Playbooktohappiness, #Leadershipmindset
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